Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Presonal statement Essay

I intend to major in communication because of my penchant interest for news and communications, the process of gathering information and relaying it to the public. News forms an important part of the public life. Through it people base most of their decisions and even emotions. Whenever my friends hear the news, they either feel happy or sad. The facts that are presented by the news anchor and the way it is presented affects the way they react to it. News casters and news writers have a certain power of influencing and affecting the views of the people regarding a certain topic. The way they communicate is enchanting and impressive. In this regard, I want to major in Communication because I want to discover how they make such an intimate connection to the public and I also want to learn how I can effectively communicate with other people. Moreover, I have deep interest for communication through this process one learns more about the world and other people. Through proper communication, dreams could become realities. My interest for communication was enhanced when I became a junior sales girl for a telecommunications company. My job required proper communication with clients in order to establish good public relations for the company. The job was very interesting and engaging. It gave me an avenue to improve my communication skills and at the same time discover and develop proper ways of dealing with clients and other people. The experience made me realize that there are certain ways of communicating with prospective clients or customers. As a new employee, I hardly knew how to handle the job smoothly. I was regularly reminded by my supervisors on what to do and how to sell the product to the customers. At first, I did not do well. I committed several mistakes and was even reprimanded by my boss. However, I did not let such experience get the better of me. I learned from my mistakes and continuously improved on my sales skills. Eventually, I was able to execute the job properly and professionally. In my two months stay with the company, I realized that not all clients are the same. There is certain formula that should be used for a particular client. There are customers who are very particular while others are very lax. In this regard, the clients should be dealt with based on their particularities and whims. The goal is to satisfy them with the services that being provided. The best way of completing this goal is to understand what they actually want or need and address them completely. Providing adequate information and professional dealing with clients are necessary for anyone trying to sell a product. Aside from my experience with in selling products, my school activities also served as motivation for me to be interested in communication. Throughout my secondary school, I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I used to plan for several functions and events and such task required me to talk with people from different fields. This experience made me realize the importance of knowing how to properly communicate my thoughts. Had I not known how to express myself, my ideas and opinions on certain matters involving the events I planned for, I could have not fulfilled my task satisfactorily. When I entered college, I was again involved in many extra curricular activities. However, unlike my secondary school experience, my extracurricular activities in college had greater impact on me and my desire to study Communication. I was assigned to man a committee of the event. The Chairman instructed me on what to do and I, in turn, directed my committee members. All the while, I thought I was on the right track. I only discovered that I misunderstood the instruction when the Chairman saw our work. Due to such mistake, my group had to redo all the work. I felt so guilty for the inconvenience that my group mates experienced and not to mention the work load put to waste. Had I understood properly the instructions, none of it could have happened. This incident made me realize the importance of properly communicating instructions. Communication is not a one way process. It works in such a way that both parties need to listen and comprehend what one telling the other. Communication works best when one listens while the other talks and if something is unclear, it should be clarified after the one giving instructions has finished talking. My employment in the telecommunications company and school experience have thought me a lot about communication however, I believe that my experience are insufficient to teach me all the things I need to learn about communication. It is my contention that the field of communication is a very broad world and there is a lot to learn and benefit from it. In the future, I would like to be a public relations officer of the government. Like I have mentioned in the beginning, public relations is very important as it influences the views of public on certain facts, issues and organizations. In my home country, the image of our government becomes worse day after day. I think one of the reasons is the exercise by the government of poor public relations. In this regard, I would like to learn how I could improve the image of my country through the aid of public relations. I believe that being a part of the University of California, I can enhance my knowledge on communication and public relations and eventually become a key player to my country’s success. I am a very patient and determined individual. In everything I do, I give my best and do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. Right now, I believe that I could achieve my goal of helping improve the image of my country through getting a quality education in a prestigious university. I believe that through my determination and the excellent teaching in the University of California, I could someday attain my goal. I also believe that my deep interest for music and communication will aid me in building a good future. Music, like communication has the capacity to influence people, if properly executed. Moreover, just like music, the goal of producing quality tone would be useless if a good foundation for understanding notes is missing. In any field, a good educational foundation is necessary and I believe only the University of California can provide me with such excellent foundation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Example Research Paper

The Effects of Preferred vs Standard Colors on College Students’ Short Term Memory Kristen N. Williams Emporia State University Abstract Can color help enhance students' ability to learn and better prepare for tests and with other school assignments? The participants were 15 college students at Emporia State University. I used an independent two-group design where students signed up via Blackboard. Participants had 2 min to look at the word list, either black words or color words, then another 2 min to recall what they had seen.I was expecting to find more color words recalled than black words. However, I found no significance between colors and black words. This finding is inconsistent with the findings of Camp, Pecher, Schmidt, and Zeelenber (2009) where color did in fact affect a participant's ability in remembering. Keywords: recall, colors, memory, word list The Effects of Preferred vs Standard Colors on College Students’ Short Term Memory The ability to obtain and store information in a short time is short-term memory. Factors can help increase the ability to retain more information.According to Sagi (1980) â€Å"words of colors are recalled well than and at the expense of printed colors† (p. 149). Previous research by Dreschsler (1960) has suggested that different colors have different effects on individuals and can have some connection to one’s subconscious as well. According to Tait (1912), â€Å"colors may affect multiple aspects of one’s memory† (p. 1). Past research using recall-testing (Noble, 1952; Radvansky, Gibson, & McNerney, 2011; Rockway & Duncan, 1952; Watkins & LeCompte, 1991) studied how well people can retain information.Radvansky, et al. , (2011) found that among four experiments performed, when individuals had another sense manipulated, sense of sight, the individuals were able to retain words from the word list presented to them. The best perception that increased memory retention was the aspec t of colors (Radvansky, et al. , 2011) MacKinnon, Geiselman, and Woodward (1985) found that participants’ effort and their ability to retain information when paired with an interference decreased. As one progresses with age their memory may tend to fade ut some research has found an increase in memory retention when older adults performed a recall test using colors although multiple responses does tend to decrease after multiple features (Gagnon, Soulard, Brasgold, & Kreller, 2007, p. 210). Within this research, participants were in into two groups by their ages. They underwent three different conditions, the same for each group. While one test varied on one feature, like color, the second varied with color and size, while the third varied in three different features, color, size, and font.They tested participants to see how well they were able to retain the word list, along with the other features, because of the colors, both groups had the ability to remember more from the word lists, but the older individuals were not able to remember the other features as well as the younger participants. Many have used recall tests as their form of testing in their study, whereas the others use colors within their tests to help measure how it affects the individuals memory, whether it deals with emotional ties (Tait, 1912) or to just test whether it affects one’s ability in remembering (Camp, Pecher, Schmidt, & Zeelenber, 2009).The primary goal of my research was to see if participants would memorize a higher percentage of words in color than in black. I believe that this experiment could help students better their studying, may help students remember words for a test, or quiz, and possibly use color to help transfer items from short-term memory, to long-term. Method Participants Participants in this study were 15 college students enrolled in undergraduate psychology courses in the spring of 2012 at Emporia State University. Participants possibly earned cour se credit for their participation, but their instructors will make other alternatives available.I obtained my participants via sign-up online through Black Board. Materials The following words were on a power point slide (Appendix A; Chair, Moon, Tape, Armadillo, Kitchen, Glue, Phone, Newt, Notebook, Cookie, Ring, Flower, Couch, Blanket, Fire, Sand, Lion, Bully, Window, & Hair). The recall survey (Appendix B) contained a number list for participants to fill out, along with a short demographic form (e. g. gender). Design and Procedure I obtained an ESU IRB approval (Appendix C) prior to conducting any procedures of the independent two-group design experiment.When the participants signed up for the study I assigned them to either Group Black Words (views word list in black and white) or Group Colored Words (views same word list, except in different colors). I gave and read the informed consent form (Appendix D) to the participants as they read along. They had 2 min to memorize the wor ds. After that, participants had another 2 min to recall the words onto their surveys. After time was up, I debriefed them (Appendix E). Results The independent variable was color of words (Black, Colors) and the dependent variable was participants' percentage of recalled words.I included total of all words recalled in color. I determined the mean and standard deviation for each group's recall percentage (see Figure 1). I performed a t test for independent samples to compare the group means, Black words (M = 98, SD = 3. 4) and Color words (M = 37, SD = 2. 3). However, there was not a significant difference between the means of black words and color words. Discussion The present experiment was designed to assess the effects of colored words on memory. I did not find a significant difference between words in black, and words in colors.This experiment was different from past research. For example, Sagi (1980) looked at the recall of colors and the ability to remember those colors versu s printed colors, whereas this experiment looked at how colors affect an individual’s memory in recalling a simple list of words. Also, Tait (1912) looked at how colors that are repeated can increase an individual’s ability to remember, where I searched to find if color could do the same thing except with words. The findings I had received were different from the other researches, in terms of not finding any significant effect.There were hopes in finding a connection to color, by means of memorization because Dreschsler (1960) found that individual’s were giving more emotional responses to colors rather than neutral, plain colors. That which showed it affected the individual and because of this association, I had hoped through this research I could find that aspect and show that color could also help individuals in terms of memorizing a list of words. MacKinnon, Geiselman, & Woodward (1985) found that individuals who looked over the words twice as long as the co ntrol group, they had recalled more of the word list.The reason this experiment had a different result is because they changed the length of time, whereas I changed the colors, which would explain why they found an increase in successful recall. The possible problem I could have encountered that caused an insignificant affect was that the word list could have been too simple for the college students. I had used such simple words so it could transfer to any age group, to make an easier generalization or another problem could have been the number of words, 20.Although I did not find a significant effect, I did show the great amount of words a college student can retain in their short-term memory. Just like in past research done by Gagnon, Soulard, Brasgold, & Kreller (2007), who found that as one increases in age, their memory and attention decreases, but much younger, college age, can remember and recall better, and faster. This experiment is still of worth, although there was no sig nificant affect, in terms of finding a way for individuals to better learn in school, and help with studying habits.It has opened doors to new ideas to better students, whether they are in elementary, or college. The next step to take is to increase the group sizes, and choose a greater variety of colors and more complex words, but not overly complex, because it still needs to be easily generalized to other individuals. If a significant affect is discovered then the aspects of favorite colors can be researched in hopes of finding ways for students to better themselves in school. References Camp, G. , Pecher, D. , Schmidt, H. G. , & Zeelenberg, R. (2009).Are independent probes truly independent? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35(4), 934-942. Drechsler, R. J. (1960). Affect-simulating effects of colors. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61(3), 323-328. Gagnon, S. , Soulard, K. , Brasgold, M. , & Kreller, J. (2007). Effects of normal a ging on memory for multiple contextual features. Brain and Cognition, 64(3), 208-216. MacKinnon, D. P. , Geiselman, R. E. , & Woodward, J. A. (1985). The effects of effort on stroop interference. Acta Psychologica, 58(3), 225-235. Noble, C. E. (1952).The role of stimulus meaning (r) in serial verbal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43(6), 437-446. Radvansky, G. A. , Gibson, B. S. , & McNerney, M. W. (2011). Synesthesia and memory: Color congruency, von restorff, and false memory effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37(1), 219-229. Rockway, M. , & Duncan, C. P. (1952). Pre-recall warming-up in verbal retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43(4), 305-312. Sagi, A. (1980). Color-word interference in a recall test. Journal of General Psychology, 103(1), 149-154.Tait, W. D. (1912). A short study in dislike. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 7(1), 1-4. Watkins, M. J. , & LeCompte, D. C. (1991). Inadequacy of recall as a basis for frequency knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 17(6), 1161-1176. Appendix A Word Recall PowerPoint Slide Appendix B Survey Appendix C ESU IRB Approval Letter Appendix D Informed Consent Form Appendix E Debriefing Statement [pic] Figure 1. Mean recall scores for participants who either saw black words (n = 7) or color words (n = 8). Error bars show standard deviations.

13 Reasons Why: Story Essay

Hanna’s and Clays dual narrative enhance goes by they tell each point of view in the story because its like he is not talking to anyone but himself and his conscious, it would’ve probably been the same way because that’s probably what most of them thought. If it was Tony he was going to think the same. I don’t think her reasons are of equal importance some people are on the list for playful reasons. The main one I found unexpected was when Bryan walker molested her. I think all thirteen reasons are responsible that’s why they all have tapes and I think she committed suicide to get away from her problems. I think that’s creepy because you visualize her being there and that would creep me out but then you would tend to feel exactly what she felt as she was their so you experience her inside life. The tape is different from the impression of a suicide note because when you get to hear a voice you know exactly how their feeling. She recorded and left the tapes for the rest to hear them and remember that day for the rest of their lives. Yes because that’s what people use today, tapes are old. When she says that she means that there are other peoples point of view in the story and she tells what happens and what she thinks about it. See more: Beowulf essay essay If she listened to it she probably wouldn’t be dead because they would have discussed about it first. She thought that if she moved place to place the rumors would be left behind. A rumor is something going around as gossip known as â€Å"not true† they say that she has â€Å"things† in her dresser. No one isn’t powerful then the other were all the same, rumors can’t be positive. Yes it does because rumors are just lies. The different perspectives of how her story plays out is like they didn’t know that what they do and how they act contributes to others. What she means by â€Å"pushing it† is that every time something happens to her it takes her deeper and deeper each time till she feels like killing herself. All of the thirteen reasons pushed her to her final decision but they kept treating her wrong so she gave up. Yes they would’ve changed, if they knew. what she means by this is that for you, you would investigate something before saying it so you just need it to be true because nobody wants to be called a liar so at first you say the lie then you know your going one day have to say the truth because you know its not your choice to say the lie so you say you need it. She reacts to it because she knows something is wrong with him and the way he acts she thinks it’s unusual. Yes I think she knows he is lying she should know her son. She doesn’t question him because she knows he will tell her a lie so she doesn’t bother because that’s the way she feels about the poem and she wants the rest of them to know. I agree with her reasoning because that’s how she feels about everything and they should know this reappears throughout the story but she still uses the same tore of voice. The â€Å"lost-n-found† gazette applies to the themes because once you tell something and put it out there, it will soon be found and spread else where so when you say a secret or a bad rumor it will go around every where and it wont be lost but soon found. â€Å"The truth will set you free† applies to Hanna’s story by instead of spreading rumors you should tell something that’s the truth and you’ll be free and not on a list. No truth really doesn’t gift freedom because sometimes the truth hurts and affects others. Yes there will always be peace in knowledge you would know wrong from right. What the man says is significant to Clay because he sees that there is something wrong with him with the way he acts and how he feels and he sees that he is suffering from something but he doesn’t have to know he sees it so he lets Clay not have to pay to feel better. To describe the difference between incidents and non-incidents is that an incident and is tragedy and a non-incident is something done on purpose and isn’t that bad. Clay Jensen relates to the previous state because of what happened to her about what was said on a rumor and people just wanting to believe it. So on what was said about Clay was so good she knew she had to believe it regardless if it was true or not. Hanna’s reputation is important to her because she doesn’t want things put down on her that’s not true. The reputation that others have on the tapes is bad and is most likely to be changed. I think most of the people on the tapes are disproved through the information. Hanna’s reputation influences Clays interactions by he knows who the real Hanna is and wants to meet her. Clay is afraid of getting hurt by her. The reason why Clay left the room after kissing Hanna was because she forced him too. I think he really didn’t have to leave, she just needed help. He could’ve asked her why she wanted him to leave and just get her talking. She puts Clay as one of the thirteen reasons why because she wants to say sorry. When Clay says that, yes I agree with him because I know that he really did like her n he really would’ve helped. Yes Hanna made that choice, she wanted to kill herself. The choices she had was that she could’ve talked to someone or talk to them about how she felt. For those thirteen reasons she ended her life I think that there were also thirteen equally reasons she had to live. When Jenny hits her car to a stop sign actually symbolizes something hazard because she can cause an accident. What Clay means when he says â€Å"we all could’ve stopped something† really shows that all those things that goes on there can be a positive to it. This relates to the Bryce and Jessica situation because she could’ve stopped Bryce for taking advantage of Jessica. The roles adults play in what happened to Hanna is like they should’ve paid more attention to her and take what she was saying very seriously. Yes I think an adult could’ve done something to help her and stop her from her decision she includes one adult so everyone could know she went for help. She opens the truth to an adult so they can help her and give her advice. She chose Mr. Porter because he was a trust counselor.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analytical report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analytical report - Term Paper Example Numerous countries in the world do not use the floating exchange rate system due to its fluctuating nature. However, in this situation, it would be best for the small country to use this system since it has more positives than negatives when it comes to growth. The recommendations in favor of this system and some of its disadvantages are discussed below. One of the main advantages of this type of system is the fact that there is an automatic balance of payment adjustments. This means that if there is disequilibrium in the balance of payments, it is normally be corrected by changes in the exchange rate system. This means that if a country has disequilibrium in the balance of payment, then it means that the currency would have to decrease in value. First of all the disequilibrium is brought forth by the fact that the exports outweigh the imports in terms of supply. Therefore, the local currency would be greatly supplied in the foreign market (Bized, 2011, para. 4). This would drive the value of the local currency down and would mean that the imports would be made more expensive and the exports cheaper. This would lead to an automatic increase in demand for the exports which would ultimately result to a balance of payment adjustment. The other main advantage of this type of system is that it frees the internal policy. This means that t he balance of payment is usually rectified when there is disequilibrium by a change in the external price of the local currency. This is as opposed to a fixed exchange rate system in which if there is disequilibrium it means that there is the need to cause a general deflationary. This deflationary could result to the general unemployment of the citizenry. The other main advantage of this type of system is that the country would be free from economic crisis but not completely as money is usually

Sunday, July 28, 2019

BA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

BA - Case Study Example It operated in large scale with very flexible approaches to business decisions concerning the entrepreneurial skills where there is hierarchy but the ideas flows from the bottom-up and top-down. This paper therefore seeks to assess the existing business model for the vice and give recommendations of the alternatives that will help the company to continue to grow. Vice had a unique content that was provided freely to all its audience that was disseminated all over through its print media and online channels. For the video content to be produced effectively and efficiently there is need to be a producer, the person who will report and even the cameraperson that will be commenting on the events and document. For the investment, vice company should have a new financial and operational base that that had not been part of the culture of the company. Investors therefore should ensure that the vice company has put a system in place that will support the strategy and to ensure that there is rapid growth of the company. Continued growth means that there is greater attention towards labor standards for example making the internship program formal and also to ensure that the employees are provided with performance review (Farzad 3). In terms of the strategies, the vice should introduce a new strategic planning vernacular that the vice will use to address the budget and the return on the investment. For the vice to be considered mainstream it must consider diversification and launching territories internationally where the global audience can grow steadily and consume a type of content that could only be offered by a few organizations. In terms of the revenue, the vice should consider monetizing the content of the video to be online then sell advertising for online content. The vice company should consider to create customized initiatives for the company brands where everything is considered from the brand strategy and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Development of Research Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Research Questions - Essay Example The NCU Proposal and Dissertation Review Form (DRF) serves as a source reference for additional information regarding purpose statement requirements and appropriate documentation. The method of choice represents a combination of both quantitative research questions and hypotheses, which study the relationship between different variables that the researcher seeks to know, and qualitative research questions, where inquirers state research questions - not objectives or hypotheses. Various sources used in this paper, including different published research materials and Internet articles. In order to successfully carry out the research study on the proposed thesis, specific questions should be established to be researched in order for hypotheses to be tested. Thus, created signposts act as guidance and assist the research. Based on nature of this study, which sets out to research different challenges and presented opportunities that international students experience while taking accounting courses at U.S colleges, there is a strong need for using the mixed methods research and hypotheses. According to Creswell (2009), â€Å"a strong mixed methods study should start with mixed methods research questions, to shape the methods and the overall design of a study†. This method of choice represents a combination of both quantitative research questions and hypotheses, which study the relationship among different variables that the researcher seeks to know, and qualitative research questions, where the inquirer states research questions, not objectives or hypotheses. Provided is a progress development of a two-phase research study with the separate quantitative and qualitative research hypotheses and questions stated in sections introducing each phase. This research will not utilize separate, distinct mixed methods research questions, but rather will use a step-by-step approach. This research study will be conducted on-site of several

Friday, July 26, 2019

Offsite construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Offsite construction - Essay Example From this research it is clear that offsite construction refers in general to construction techniques where the some portion of the construction activity is carried out at locations outside the construction site. Pre-fabrication is another term used in the context of off-site construction. The UK Government has also coined the phrase ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ to refer to off-site construction techniques. The portions fabricated off-site are referred to as components or modules, and these are integrated into the building shell at the appropriate stage in the construction. Innovations in manufacturing technology have improved the quality and effectiveness of pre-fabricated components, and changing lifestyles and demands of the public have increased the suitability of these technologies in the house building industry. The government too has increasingly become interested in these Modern Methods of Construction as a means of providing quick and affordable solutions to meet the ever-growing demand for new housing. Various governmental organisations too have posted the latest developments, policies and programmes related to the field of off-site construction on their websites. The results and details of recent studies conducted by government agencies to compare conventional construction with off-site construction are also available on the Internet. These sources will also form a part of the study, and will help provide an understanding of the approach adopted by the administration towards the modern methods of construction.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mergers and Acquisitions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Mergers and Acquisitions - Assignment Example The exception to this is when both parties agree, irrespective of the relative strength and size, to present themselves as a merger rather than an acquisition. An example of a true merger would be the joining of Glaxo Wellcome with SmithKline Beecham in 1999 when both firms together became GlaxoSmithKline. An example of an acquisition posing as a merger for appearances sake was the takeover of Chrysler by Daimler-Benz in the same year. As already seen, since mergers and acquisitions are not easily categorised, it is no easy matter to analyse and explain the many variables underlying success or failure of M&As. Historically, a distinction has been made between congeneric and conglomerate mergers. Roughly speaking, congeneric firms are those in the same industry and at a similar level of economic activity, while conglomerates are mergers from unrelated industries or businesses. Congeneric could also be seen as (a) horizontal mergers and (b) vertical mergers depending on whether the products and services are of the same appearances a mutually supportive nature. Horizontal mergers may come under the scrutiny of anti-trust legislation if the result is seen as turning into a monopoly.  The ‘first wave’ of horizontal mergers took place in the United States between 1899 and 1904 during a period referred to as the Great Merger Movement. Between 1916 and 1929, the ‘second wave’ was more of vertical mergers. After the great depression and World War II the ‘third wave’ of conglomerate mergers took place between 1965 and 1989. The ‘fourth wave’ betw een 1992 and 1998 saw congeneric mergers and even more hostile takeovers.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Essay Example For him, Hinduism was a religion that he knew better than other religions and he found it non-violent and peaceful. One aspect that Gandhi used to search in religions was their nonviolent attitude towards different aspects of life. He found nonviolence in Christianity, Buddhism and other religions.Gandhi practiced Hinduism by continuing to be a vegetarian all his life, he read and acted upon the teachings of Gita and he preached about non-violence and peace (Mahatma Gandhi: Hinduism at its Best). He was an inspiration for the Hindus. He believed in all the teachings of Hinduism and practiced those that seemed suitable to him.He emphasized on reading Gita and also informed that when he used to read it, it soothed him. Gandhi showed liking for the concepts of protection of cow, peace and non-violence but he showed disliking for the concepts of murti puja, intolerance to touch by Brahmans, virgin widowhood and spoilage of virgins (1961; Mahatma Gandhi: Hinduism at its Best).Gandhi held his own opinions about other existent religions. He considered all the religions equally. According to him, he belonged to all religions and also said that all religions of the world helped him in self-realization. According to Gandhi, all religions consist of positive values that should be considered and followed in order to be a good human being (Mahatma Gandhi: Hinduism at its Best). Gandhi once said, â€Å"I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, and a Jew†, which described about his neutrality towards other religions except Hinduism.

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 49

Leadership - Essay Example In Kuwait, Sara Akbar is the female Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Energy agency (Thomson, 2011). The leadership keys and concepts contribute to leading my new company’s generating high business revenues. My academic knowledge, Bachelor in Library and Information Science, honed my business leadership skills. The textbook concepts equip me to lead others to meet prescribed business goals. Similarly, my being born with leadership skills ensures I can catapult my subordinates to increase their current production and sales outputs (Nohria, 2013). My preference for a business degree is pegged on one concept. The concept states more women will become Saudi Arabia’s future leaders. Within less than six years, more women leaders are capable of leading others. Many family businesses located in Saudi Arabia include women business leaders (Barrett, 2009). Based on the above discussion, women can be equally effective business leaders. Library textbook knowledge hones the women’s business leadership prowess. My academic background ensures will be one of Saudi Arabia’s future leaders of change. Evidently, women like me can be equally effective Saudi Arabian business

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Evidence Based Practice in Assisting the Nurses and Other Medical Pers Article

Evidence Based Practice in Assisting the Nurses and Other Medical Personnel - Article Example The results from this research article will shed more light to how the technique can be improved or what areas can be adopted by others who have yet to start the implementation of the technique (Majid, S. et al, 2011). Some of the challenges discussed and which will be discussed further in the next discussion as they relate to nursing leadership and management include the inability to understand the terms and broadly the technique, the lack of time to try some of the proposed techniques and care, the nurses lack authority to implement some of the change procedures suggested in the evidence-based practice patient care, majority of the nurses have not undergone any special training as to the use and implementation of the technique as well as lack of resources among others. The article which basically discusses the challenges experienced by nurses towards the implementation of evidence-based practice is also related to the nursing leadership and management. This is so because some of the challenges are as a result of lack of proper management and also the initiative by the leaders of the nurses to ensure they understand the technique and use it. An example of the poor leadership and management is the lack of training of these nurses on the evidence-based practice technique. The training is the work of the management to organize as the benefits of the training will be evident in the hospital and the results will lead to hospital success stories and fame to the management and leadership as well. The nursing leadership and management are supposed to provide time and be at the forefront to implement the necessary changes to implement the technique but little has been done about this. Nursing leaders are supposed to pressure the management of the hospitals to seek the resources needed to implement the evidence-based practice technique. They should sit down and strategize on how they can assist the nurses to implement the technique as best as possible for the ultimate goal of providing better care and treatment of their patients.  Ã‚  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Media Hype, Racial Profiling, and Good Science Essay Example for Free

Media Hype, Racial Profiling, and Good Science Essay Summary: Gold begins his essay right away, without any sort of formality. The essay begins with Gold laying a foundation for the requirements of â€Å"good science. † After which Gold spells out the requirements of articles to sell large volumes of newspapers. This latter generates the term anecdotes. The term anecdote is analyzed, scrutinized and concluded as unacceptable due to the evidence relying more on beliefs than facts. Thus creating a vicious circle. Gold than highlights the fact that there exists large numbers or web pages, lawsuits, publications and presentations specifically directed at the issue. Varying levels of government in the United States has passed legislation about the issue. Individuals known as experts of have been successful writing books and employed as expert witnesses or consultants on the matter. Departments of been created to address the issue and conferences devoted to the topic. The American experience has been deemed applicable in Canada. Gold delves into the high social costs involved in the existence and beliefs of the racial profiling anecdotes. The solution is more important than the conception. Gold offers that communication, building trust, transparency and any inappropriate behavior dealt with seriously by the government are requirements to the solution. Gold then goes on to say that the community must also realize that the guilty may use any method to escape punishment. Gold comments that racial profiling is a phenomenon that is supposed to exist in Policing. The Toronto Star claims to have proved this phenomenon by evidence. This evidence needs to be examined by science. Gold then begins to explore the definition of racial profiling. Sometimes the term is used when a handful of officers are bigots. Sometimes it is applied when it seems that the police service promotes racism through its training materials. There is no evidence that American policing material is connected to Toronto Police. Profiling is the activity and racial a subspecies of profiling. Criminal law literature hosts a variety of profiles. As well, police profilers generate ad hoc profiles. Profiling is a â€Å"junk science† involving vague and non-specific characteristics that can be manipulated. There is no scientific merit to profiling. Racial profiling is one-dimensional profiling where the race replaces all other characteristics. Profiling implies to tell us something about an unknown suspect by identifying characteristics. Racial profiling claims to predict the race of a suspect. Claims should recognize the difference between reactive and proactive policing. Reactive policing is when police seek out a specific gender and race because witnesses described the culprit as such. Reactive policing is irrelevant to profiling. Proactive police activity should be the only data used. Statistics on police-minority interactions need to take into consideration the demographics of a given area. Also, are police targeting specific activity due to community concerns in a certain area? It may surprise people to know how much police activity is reactive and how little is proactive. The Toronto Star fails to recognize such issues. The data collected by the Toronto Star also fails to make the distinction. Gold then moves into to the claims and conclusions aspect of the essay. Stating that data collected needs something to be compared to or measured against, some sort of baseline. The Toronto Star used general population figures from the last available census. Apparently, using uses such as a baseline in unacceptable in the expert statistical analysis. Gold attempts to illustrate that fact that the Toronto Star blundered their way from the statistical analysis without using any accepted criteria. After which Gold suggests that data collection needs to be done under comparable conditions. Gold then moves onto another publication â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,† and the definition used by them. The term greater levels are brought up, and Gold asks â€Å"compared to what? † Wortley and Tanner utilized surveys to collect their data, which results in an opinions and claims survey. Gold calls such data collection, â€Å"Anecdotes in bulk. † After this, Gold goes on for some time about assumptions and making the leap from report to reality based on anecdotal evidence. Gold implies that the Toronto Star failed to take into consideration population distribution and population concentration of identifiable groups. The Toronto Star assumes that all groups are even distributed amongst throughout the general population. The Toronto Star compares data of an ethnic population to number of arrests for violent crimes in higher. Violent crimes will be a reactive policing perspective with witnesses identifying physical traits of the culprits. Such data cannot be used for profiling. This was mentioned earlier on in Gold’s essay. Gold then gives an example of a specific case in the United States where profiling failed the Police investigation. Constant failure to identify criminals using a profile would become apparent with an increase in unsuccessful outcomes. For the conclusion, Gold regurgitates the term â€Å"junk science† and how it is unsuccessful. Then applauds Wortley and Tanner for their cautionary note to have such figures scrutinized by experts and peers before releasing results to the public and that quality control needs to be applied to media discussions on the topic. Strengths: Gold does a good job comparing â€Å"good science† with â€Å"junk science,† and how inaccurate the use of â€Å"junk science† will be. Gold quickly defines terms that he continually uses throughout the rest of his essay to assist the reader in following his train of thought. At the beginning of the essay Gold lays the groundwork for what he will discuss throughout the essay. He, quickly lays down his assumption of what racial profiling is and how unlikely that it is used by police. Gold lies out his essay with sections with subtle conclusions being drawn by the end of each. This helps to keep the reader on track as he attempts to dispel the phenomenon known as racial profiling. Hold spends most of his time attacking the foundation of each group or agencies bases for profiling. He uses references and his knowledge of statistical analysis to debunk each idea. Also, Gold uses various examples of how ineffective the outcome would be given each scenario. Gold illustrates how some groups confuse proactive and reactive policing as the same thing, when in fact they are not. He does his best bring that idea several time throughout the essay. Gold is forthcoming with the fact that he was retained by Toronto Police to make submissions on this same very topic. That mention shows that Gold is trying to be honest with the reader. Also, I believe that it aids the read into recognizing that Gold would have had to do a far amount of research to make such submissions. The fact that Gold is privately employed and not a government employee may make the reader feel that he is less-biased on this particular topic. Weaknesses: At some points during the essay Gold seem to gone off on a tangent. At one point he offers solutions to bridge the gap between government agencies and communities. This is done more than once, and was not relevant to the topic being discussed in the essay. There are a few points where Gold appears to be talking in circles with verbal jargon. I didn’t feel those points in his essay resulted in any valid point to validate his argument. It was almost as though Gold digressed or lost focus for a moment. There are points within the essay where Gold appears to put his personal thoughts in brackets, thereby taking away from his credibility. For most of the essay Gold is trying to prove that the Toronto Star wrote an article without merit or proper research. Near the end of the essay he brings up another writer â€Å"Wortley and Tanner. † I believe that it would have been more effective he had integrated both writings earlier on in the essay. It appears as though â€Å"Wortley and Tanner,† are almost an afterthought. Conclusion: I think Gold effectively made his point with this essay. He is credible and knowledgeable, proving his point with examples, scenarios and data. He shows an appreciation for other points of view and illustrates how they may be incorrect based on their data collection. He affectively dissects the definition of the issue and how come groups confuse racism with racial profiling. As well his recognizes the differences between proactive and reactive policing. Gold shows how reactive policing gets generalized by most groups when in fact the investigation is driven by information from independent sources. I believe the weak points in Gold’s essay are overshadowed by his strong points, resulting in a fair and reasonable conclusion to his argument.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Audit Planning And Risk Assessment Accounting Essay

Audit Planning And Risk Assessment Accounting Essay Chapter 6 [LO1] The audit plan documents detailed information about audit procedures to be performed on the engagement. T [LO2] Scaling the audit refers to fitting the audit work into the proper context in terms of the engagements size, environment, and complexity. T [LO2] Statutory audits are required on all integrated audits performed in accordance with international accounting standards. F [LO2] An audit plan will be the same regardless of whether the client company outsources its financial activities to a service provider or conducts the activities in house. F [LO3] Materiality is a measure of magnitude; yet, it is affected by both quantitative and qualitative factors. T [LO3] Materiality is first set at the account balance level and is then aggregated to the financial statement level. F [LO4] The components of the fraud triangle include incentive, opportunity, and rationalization. T [LO5] A client companys new or modified accounting information system requires more audit effort to understand the new system and assess its design and operating effectiveness. T [LO5] An audit strategy will focus on going concern issues for a client company operating in an industry which has experienced a recent market downturn. T [LO6] Computers are the primary resources used on an audit. F [LO6] A highly effective audit would have all of its testing performed at an interim Øلن¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¤Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒËœÃ‚ © date. F [LO7] An IT specialist may be used to inspect systems documentation and perform other procedures for an audit engagement when the client company uses new, emerging technology. T [LO7] Preliminary time budget information is compared to actual time worked and is used for purposes of billing, performance evaluation, and future bidding. T [LO8] Auditors test the operating effectiveness of those controls that are intended to prevent and detect material misstatements. T [LO8] Tracing refers to looking at the supporting documentation for a recorded number. F [App.A] A principal auditor may share responsibility for an audit opinion when another auditor performs all of the audit procedures for subsidiary of the client company. T [App.A] For accounts that involve significant estimates, require a high degree of judgment, or are susceptible to management override of controls, a principal auditor may completely rely on the work of others in determining whether those accounts are materially misstated. F Multiple Choice [LO1] Planning is a continuous process that must occur throughout the audit engagement because (a) disconfirming information is likely to arise. (b) the audit committee is likely to point out flaws in the original audit plan. (c) all information affecting the audit occurs concurrently. (d) auditor skill levels are continuously fluctuating. A [LO1] Development of the audit strategy includes all of the following activities except (e) specifying the work that has to be performed. (f) specifying the timing of the work to be performed. (g) documenting an audit planning memorandum. (h) defining initial estimates of audit risk and materiality. C Risk assessment points the auditor to the important areas of the clients operations and financial statements in order to (i) understand important areas of the clients operations and financial statements. (j) identify potential problems. (k) determine what needs to be accomplished during the audit. (l) all of the above D LO1,2] Which of the following is not a consideration for an auditor while scaling the audit? (m) The client company has multiple locations throughout the region. (n) Another firm is responsible for auditing one of the clients out-of-town subsidiaries. (o) An outside service provider prepares all of the client companys payroll accounting records. (p) The client company plans to hire and develop employees so that it can prepare its payroll accounting records in-house within the next two years. D [LO2] An experienced audit team will begin planning the audit before it knows all the specific information about a particular client company because (q) experienced auditors know the general framework of what needs to be done on any audit. (r) auditors experienced in the clients industry understand the activities and risks of the industry, which gives them an understanding of the important financial statement accounts and ICFR areas. (s) auditors experienced with this client company have already gained quite a bit of information from the client acceptance or continuance processes. (t) all of the above D [LO2] Scaling the audit refers to (u) weighing the risks associated with the clients susceptibility Ù‚ØØ ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ © to fraud. (v) preparing evidence for an outside service provider. (w)fitting the audit work to the specific characteristics of the client. (x) delivering products or services as contracted in the engagement letter. C [LO2] Deliverables refers to the (y) timing of the auditors acceptance of the client company. (z) products and services as contracted in the engagement letter. (aa)degree of correlation between the audit work to the specific characteristics of the client. (bb)auditors experience in the clients industry. B [LO2] The scope of the engagement depends upon all of the following considerations except the (cc) presentation of the clients accounting information. (dd) use and importance of IT to the clients activities and ICFR. (ee) ability to use audit evidence performed by the clients internal auditors. (ff) timing of the clients fiscal year-end. D [LO2] The scope of an audit teams work will be more extensive (gg) for a first year audit engagement as opposed to a continuing audit. (hh) when internal auditors perform work to be used as evidence by the external auditors. (ii) when a user companys auditor relies upon a report provided by an auditor of the service provider. (jj) for a company with effective entity-level controls. A [LO3] An internal control that is ineffective to the extent that it might not prevent the financial statements from being materially misstated is referred to as a (kk) significant risk (ll) substantive error (mm) material weakness (nn) tolerable misstatement C [LO3] Which of the following would not be an appropriate benchmark Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¬ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ © to use in setting financial statement-level materiality? (oo) a percentage of total revenue (pp) a percentage of total assets (qq) a percentage of current liabilities (rr) a percentage of profit from continuing operations C [LO3] The materiality threshold Ø ¹ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨ÃƒËœÃ‚ © for each account balance or class of transactions is called (ss) tolerable Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃ‚ © misstatement (tt) material assertion Ø ªÃƒËœÃ‚ £Ãƒâ„¢Ã†â€™Ãƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ (uu) substantive rule of thumb (vv) account deficiency A [LO3] For purposes of an integrated audit, materiality is assessed within the context of users who have (ww) appropriate knowledge of business and economic activities (xx) an understanding that financial statements are prepared and audited to levels of materiality (yy) the ability to make appropriate economic decisions on the basis of information in the financial statements (zz) all of the above D [LO4] Which of the following is not an area of interest for anti-fraud controls? (aaa) journal entries and adjustments made in the end-of-period financial reporting process (bbb) related party transactions (ccc) auditor credentials وؠ«ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ ØلؠªÃƒâ„¢Ã‚ Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ãƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¶ (ddd) significant management estimates C [LO4] An example of an incentive/pressure for fraudulent financial reporting risk factor is (eee) a threat to the client companys financial stability caused by rapid growth compared to that of other companies in the same industry. (fff) significant operations located across international borders in jurisdictions where differing business environments exist. (ggg) inadequate job applicant screening processes for employees with access to cash. (hhh) ineffective communication of the companys ethical standards by management. A [LO4] An example of an opportunity for misappropriation ØØ ®ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ³ of assets risk factor is (iii) compensation ØلؠªÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ãƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¶ inconsistent Ø ºÃƒâ„¢Ã…  ÃƒËœÃ‚ ± Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬  ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ³Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒËœÃ‚ © with expectations. (jjj) lack of complete and timely reconciliations of assets. (kkk) managements practice of committing to creditors to achieve unrealistic forecasts. (lll) known history of violations of laws and regulations. B [LO5] Significant developments within the client that affect audit strategy include: (mmm) A change in ownership and/or capital structure has occurred. (nnn) Acquisitions or discontinued operations have recently occurred. (ooo) The accounting information systems have been modified. (ppp) All of the above D [LO5] Significant developments in the clients external environment that affect audit strategy include: (qqq) Industry competition has increased. (rrr) Acquisitions or discontinued operations have recently occurred. (sss) A change in ownership and/or capital structure has occurred. (ttt) All of the above A [LO5] Going concern issues may arise when: (uuu) Acquisitions or discontinued operations have recently occurred. (vvv) The accounting information systems have been modified. (www) The economy has negatively impacted the client company. (xxx) Changes in applicable accounting standards affect the client company. C [LO5] When audit clients acquire new, more sophisticated IT systems, (yyy) The audit strategy will not be impacted as long as the duties of accounting personnel are primarily unchanged. (zzz) Auditors with advanced IT knowledge may need to be added to the audit team. (aaaa) The design of internal controls will be considered ineffective until those new controls have been tested. (bbbb) The timing of the auditors procedures for reviewing interim financial statements will be accelerated. B [LO5] One of the first procedures performed by auditors during on-location audit work is the (cccc) Development of the firms audit strategy. (dddd) Preparation of the audit report. (eeee) Design of the audit plan. (ffff) Establishment of an understanding of the companys ICFR systems. D [LO5] Auditors may obtain information about a client company during other engagements conducted for the client such as (gggg) audits of a subsidiary or other related party entity. (hhhh) reviews of quarterly financial statements filed with the SEC. (iiii) examinations of information included in a registration statement. (jjjj) All of the above D [LO6] Which of the following would not be likely to participate in an audit planning meeting? (kkkk) The core audit engagement team. (llll) The audit teams tax manager (mmmm) The audit teams partner for IT (nnnn) The chair of the clients audit committee. D [LO6] Which of the following items are included in the audit planning meeting? (oooo) brainstorming about fraud risks (pppp) establishing responsibility for preparing the financial statements (qqqq) establishing responsibility for monitoring of internal controls (rrrr) preparing the engagement letter. A [LO6] Which of the following items would an audit engagement partner likely communicate with the members of his or her audit team during a planning meeting? (ssss) Responsibility for notifying appropriate individuals of any significant issues or difficulties encountered during the audit. (tttt) Identification of the type of audit report to be issued. (uuuu) The need to complete the quarterly review before communicating with any tax professionals assigned to the audit engagement. (vvvv) Responsibility for notifying the audit committee and internal auditors of the firms specific audit approach. [LO6] The audit planning meeting must (wwww) take place before the client acceptance decision is made. (xxxx) be attended by the entire core engagement team and the predecessor auditors. (yyyy) establish an understanding among the members of the audit team about the objectives of the audit. (zzzz) prepare the internal auditors for the work they will be asked to perform to supplement the auditors procedures. C [LO6] The document that presents all of the issues discussed as part of audit strategy is the (aaaaa) engagement letter (bbbbb) quarterly financial statements (ccccc) audit planning memo (ddddd) risk assessment memo C [LO6] Which of the following items in not typically documented in an audit planning memo? (eeeee) audit engagement objectives and deliverables (fffff) the auditors understanding of ICFR and IT systems (ggggg) planned use of the work of others during the audit (hhhhh) results of the quarterly review process D [LO6] What is the primary resource used on an audit engagement? (iiiii) the clients IT systems (jjjjj) the auditors IT systems (kkkkk) human resources of the audit firm (lllll) the clients internal auditors C [LO6] To properly instruct and review the work of audit team members, the supervising auditor must: (mmmmm) keep abreast of accounting and audit issues and manage differences of opinion among team members regarding audit findings. (nnnnn) obtain instruction from the chair of the audit committee regarding the objectives of the audit engagement. (ooooo) communicate with the predecessor auditor regarding differences of opinion regarding prior year audit findings. (ppppp) all of the above A [LO6] It is important for auditors to be on-location on the last day of the clients fiscal year when the client (qqqqq) operates a restaurant that does a considerable amount of business on New Years Eve. (rrrrr) has significant inventory activities such that the receipts and shipments of inventories at year-end should be observed. (sssss) relies upon electronic verification to indicate the timing of transactions. (ttttt) refuses to pay overtime rates for the audit team during its busy season. [LO6] Which of the following is not a valid reason for the performance of audit procedures at an interim date? (uuuuu) More time is available for management to correct problems identified by interim audit testing. (vvvvv) The client company does not retain the records that are needed as audit evidence through the year-end time frame. (wwwww) Most controls and transactions cannot be audited during busy season. (xxxxx) More time is available for the auditors to concentrate on problem areas, if needed. [LO6] If audit tests are performed at an interim date, supplemental audit evidence: (yyyyy) is not necessary because the same controls are assumed to be in place that resulted in the balances tested during interim. (zzzzz) is still needed regarding the account balances between the interim testing date and the end of the fiscal year. (aaaaaa) is obtained from the predecessor auditor, when needed to corroborate any changes in the clients ICFR systems. (bbbbbb) is the responsibility of the audit committee, as it would be inefficient for the auditors to focus on a single audit area during multiple time periods. [LO6] When audit tests are performed at an interim date, the auditor must (cccccc) obtain a letter from management to confirm the continued performance of internal controls and accuracy of the year-end balances. (dddddd) perform roll forward audit procedures to determine whether a control continued to perform the same way through year-end. (eeeeee) reconcile account balances tested at an interim date with the year-end balances in the same accounts. (ffffff) Both (b) and (c) [LO7] Which of the following is an example of a specialist who might assist an audit engagement team on a high-risk audit area? (gggggg) actuary (hhhhhh) banker (iiiiii) internal auditor (jjjjjj) tax accountant [LO7] An IT specialist may be involved in an audit engagement to assist with any of the following except (kkkkkk) inspecting systems documentation. (llllll) inquiring of company personnel about how the processes are carried out and how IT controls are designed. (mmmmmm) preparing the IT planning memo. (nnnnnn) planning the tests of IT controls. [LO7] Which of the following is not a relevant consideration in deciding whether an IT specialist is needed: (oooooo) the client companys capital structure (pppppp) the complexity of IT controls and systems (qqqqqq) the use of emerging technologies (rrrrrr) the use of data by multiple systems or processes [LO7] Audit firms use time budgets for (ssssss) indicating the amount of time expected for the various levels of auditors for each audit area. (tttttt) tracking and reporting time spent on each audit area. (uuuuuu) billing and bidding and future engagements. (vvvvvv) All of the above. [LO7] Time budgets are typically (wwwwww) approved by the audit committee (xxxxxx) detailed by areas of the audit (yyyyyy) signed by the predecessor auditor (zzzzzz) All of the above. [LO8] Auditors test the operating effectiveness of internal controls only if they (aaaaaaa) are effectively designed to prevent or detect material misstatements. (bbbbbbb) address multiple risk factors. (ccccccc) are applied in conjunction with other controls to address a single risk factor. (ddddddd) cause susceptibility to material misstatements. [LO8] Substantive audit procedures are performed so that the auditor may identify (eeeeeee) deficiencies in the design or operating effectiveness of internal controls. (fffffff) weaknesses in the effectiveness of the client companys audit committee. (ggggggg) material misstatements in the client companys financial statements. (hhhhhhh) Calculations and controls that mitigate the risk of fraud. [LO7] Which of the following is not a form of audit evidence? (iiiiiii) recalculation (jjjjjjj) reperformance (kkkkkkk) repetition (lllllll) inquiry [LO7] ICFR tests to provide evidence on whether the controls can be relied upon for the financial statement audit can be performed (mmmmmmm) only during year-end because they must be performed at the same time as financial statement audit procedures. (nnnnnnn) only during interim because they must be performed at the same time as financial statement audit procedures. (ooooooo) at any time the evidence is available, as long as the entire period of reliance is evaluated. (ppppppp) at any time after the substantive procedures have been completed, so that the opinion on financial statement misstatements is not superceded by the opinion on the effectiveness of controls. [LO8] Sufficient evidence may be provided without examining all of the transactions in an account balance is the auditor uses well-designed (qqqqqqq) sampling approaches (rrrrrrr) internal control procedures (sssssss) inspection techniques (ttttttt) assertions related to the fair presentation of account balances. [LO8] The nature, timing, and extent of audit needed audit tests will depend upon the answers to each of the following questions except TYPO / Grammar suggest deleting highlighted words (uuuuuuu) How could a material misstatement happen? (vvvvvvv) What internal controls has the client implemented to address potential misstatements? (wwwwwww) How might internal controls fail such that a material misstatement occurs? (xxxxxxx) How many times have material misstatements been undetected? [LO8] When inquiry, observation, and inspection are all used to trace a transaction as it is initiated, authorized, processed, and recorded, the process is called a(n) (yyyyyyy) inspection (zzzzzzz) walkthrough (aaaaaaaa) assertion (bbbbbbbb) analytical procedure [LO8] If an audit program calls for the auditor to interview the client about an important control activity, this is an example of which type of audit procedure? (cccccccc) reperformance (dddddddd) tracing (eeeeeeee) inspection (ffffffff) inquiry [App] Which of the following is not a form of evidence obtained through the auditors direct personal knowledge? (gggggggg) observation (hhhhhhhh) reperformance (iiiiiiii) inquiry (jjjjjjjj) inspection [App] A principal auditor may share responsibility for an audit opinion with (kkkkkkkk) another independent auditor who has performed a significant portion of the audit work. (llllllll) the clients internal audit staff, if they provide significant assistance to the audit team. (mmmmmmmm) a specialist who provides expert advice on the valuation of inventory. (nnnnnnnn) an attorney who provides expert advice on a pending legal matter. [App] Which of the following is not an indicator of competence that is relevant to an auditors evaluation of other individuals performing a portion of the audit work? (oooooooo) professional certification (pppppppp) professional experience (qqqqqqqq) level of education (rrrrrrrr) access to the board of directors [App] If internal auditors provide direct assistance to the external audit team, the independent external auditor must (ssssssss) reperform all of the work provided by the internal auditors. (tttttttt) supervise and evaluate the work performed by the internal auditors. (uuuuuuuu) refuse to issue an audit opinion, due to a lack of independence. (vvvvvvvv) indicate a division of responsibility in the performance of the audit. Matching [LO3] Following are the planning steps involved in considering materiality in a top-down approach to planning for tests of controls. Number the items in from 1 (top) through 6 (bottom) to indicate the proper top-down sequence of the steps. ___ Identify risks that could cause material misstatement of relevant assertions in a significant account. ___ Set financial statement level materiality ___ Design audit procedures addressing controls ___ Investigate controls addressing risks ___ Identify significant accounts ___ Determine relevant management assertions for significant accounts and set materiality at the account level Short-Answer Questions and Exercises [LO4] For each scenario below, indicate which element of the fraud triangle is present. (wwwwwwww) Large amounts of cash are on hand. (xxxxxxxx) Management failed to correct ICFR deficiencies in a timely manner. (yyyyyyyy) The organizational structure is complex and lines or authority are unclear. (zzzzzzzz) Future employee layoffs are expected. (aaaaaaaaa) Employee behavior suggests dissatisfaction with the company. (bbbbbbbbb) Restrictions on the auditor limit access to evidence. (ccccccccc) Management attempts to influence the scope of the audit work. (ddddddddd) Industry factors threaten the companys financial stability. (eeeeeeeee) Significant related party transactions are audited by another firm. (fffffffff) The personal financial situation of management is threatened. [LO6] Indicate the preferred timing during the audit process for performing each of the following procedures. Explain your choice. (ggggggggg) observing the clients physical inventory (hhhhhhhhh) testing of the operating effectiveness of ICFR (iiiiiiiii) observing the shipment and receipt of inventories (jjjjjjjjj) substantive testing of property and equipment account balances (kkkkkkkkk) roll forward procedures (lllllllll) testing of the design effectiveness of ICFR (mmmmmmmmm) examining adjustment made during the course of preparing the financial statements [LO8] What different audit procedures (forms of evidence) are appropriate for financial statement audits that are not applicable for testing of controls? [LO8] For each of the following audit procedures, indicate the type of evidence that is involved. (nnnnnnnnn) reading a sales contract (ooooooooo) determining whether a sales invoice is properly included in the sales journal (ppppppppp) communicating with management about changes in accounting personnel (qqqqqqqqq) watching the cashier perform the daily closing procedures (rrrrrrrrr) verifying the mathematical accuracy of discounts included on the sales invoice (sssssssss) verifying the accuracy of the sales journal by reference to a supporting shipping document and sales invoice (ttttttttt) receiving verification from an independent third party Suggested Solutions for Test Bank Questions Chapter 6 True/False T T F F T F T T T F F T T T F T F Multiple Choice a c d d d c b d a c c a d c a b d a c b d d d a a c c d c a b c b d a c a d b a c c c a d b d c a d b Matching 4,1,6,5,2,3 Short-Answer Questions and Exercises a. Large amounts of cash are on hand. Opportunities b. Management failed to correct ICFR deficiencies in a timely manner. Attitude/Rationalization c. The organizational structure is complex and lines or authority are unclear. Opportunities d. Future employee layoffs are expected. Incentives/Pressure e. Employee behavior suggests dissatisfaction with the company. Attitude/Rationalization f. Restrictions on the auditor limit access to evidence. Attitude/Rationalization g. Management attempts to influence the scope of the audit work. Attitude/Rationalization h. Industry factors threaten the companys financial stability. Incentives/Pressure i. Significant related party transactions are audited by another firm. Opportunities j. The personal financial situation of management is threatened. Incentives/Pressure k. observation of the clients physical inventory should be performed at the end of the clients fiscal year so that the financial statement balances can be verified. l. testing of the operating effectiveness of ICFR should be performed at interim, as internal controls are expected to be operating and subject to evaluation at any point. Also, the interim testing will provide time for the auditor to spend more time on related testing if problems are encountered, and management will have more time to remedy the problem before the end of the fiscal year. m. observation of the shipment and receipt of inventories should be performed at the end of the clients fiscal year so that the auditor can determine that the transactions were recorded in the proper period. n. substantive testing of property and equipment account balances should be performed during the year-end testing phase, as final account balances. However, it is also possible to audit these balances during an interim testing phase and later perform a roll forward to year-end. o. roll forward procedures must be performed during the year-end testing phase, as final account balances are needed in order to evaluate the change during the period from interim testing through the date of the clients fiscal year-end. p. testing of the design effectiveness of ICFR should be performed at interim for efficiency reasons. See b. above. q. examining adjustment made during the course of preparing the financial statements must be performed during year-end testing (after the financial statements have been prepared). Both tests of controls and substantive tests of financial statement account balances involve inquiries, inspection of documents, observation of operations, and reperformance of controls. However, the following additional procedures are available for audits of financial statements: i. inspection of tangible assets ii. external confirmations iii. recalculations iv. analytical procedures r. reading a sales contract inspection of documents s. determining whether a sales invoice is properly included in the sales journal inspection of documents; tracing t. communicating with management about changes in accounting personnel inquiry u. watching the cashier perform the daily closing procedures observation v. verifying the mathematical accuracy of discounts included on the sales invoice recalculation w. verifying the accuracy of the sales journal by reference to a supporting shipping document and sales invoice inspection of documents vouching x. receiving verification from an independent third party external confirmation

Stress And Well Being Psychology Essay

Stress And Well Being Psychology Essay People act in different ways in stressful situations, some can cope with stressful situation and some cannot cope. People are more stressed today than in the past. Researches were made to measure and to manage stress. For measuring stress, researches used a couple of types. One was the Social Readjustment rating scale or SRRS. This measure of stress was devised by Holmes and Rahe in 1960. Their thought was that stress is more about the need of readjustment and change. For their research, they gathered almost 400 Americans and listed a scale of life events that could affect an individual. In their opinion, life changes have a major impact on an individual. In this scale at the top was death of a spouse with 100 units of life changes and the rest were adjusted accordingly. Almost 300 or even more of life changes units were linked to higher psychological and physical illnesses. Applying this method to measure stress, leads to some weakness and strengths, in which, the strength will be that it does capture something about stress, as SRRS were proven to be related to illnesses. A weakness could be that a particular life event like an operation for a person who has a life threatening illness is more str essful than a person operation for esthetical enhancement who just want to change something.(handouts, 12.11.2012) Questionnaires measures is another type of stress measuring like SRRS, the Type A personality, Hassles and Uplifts, etc. With questionnaire method is more easy to measure stress because they are quick and easy to administrate, but the weakness is that people may not be sincere when they answer. Some people could give answers in a way that will make them look good (social desirability bias). There are also job strain questionnaire based on job demands. Workers facing high psychological workloads demands and pressure, who work very fast, very hard and do not have enough time to finish their job, are in a greater risk for mental and physical illness.(handouts, 12.11.2012) Another type of stress measuring is controlled observation. There are various ways to measure, some of them cruel for example electric shocks, overcrowding, extremes of heat and colds used as stressors and others methods, by permanent interrupting the subjects during tests. A lot of researches were made on a link between Type A personality and heart diseases. The ones who developed the idea of Type A personality were Friedman and Rosenman. They had a different style to measure this Type A. They were given tests to people and then they constantly interrupt them during testing. They could observe that some of the participants dealt well with interruptions but some were more stressed because of the constant interruptions.(handouts, 12.11.2012) While measuring stress, researchers came up with some methods of stress management. They grouped up this stress management methods in two, one psychological method in which are hardiness training and stress inoculation training and the other is the physiological method containing drugs and biofeedback techniques. (Gross, R., psychology, 5th edition, 2005) Suzanne Kobasas Hardiness Training has the three major Cs: Control, Commitment and Challenge. The people with hardiness personality are more in control of their lives, they can manage better stressful situation and see difficulties as a challenge rather than a problem. Thats why Hardy personality is stress-resistant. The training for this has three stages. The first one is focusing, in which the client is thought to be able to recognise the biological signs of stress such as increase of heart rate, muscle tension and also to be able to identify the source for this stress. The second stage consists in reliving stress encounters, in which the clients relive their stress encounters and are helped in analysing those situations and their response to them. This method could give them some insight on coping strategies. The last one, self-improvement, involves learning of new techniques for the increase of the three Cs.(psychology AS, 2012/handout, 22.10.2012) Stress Inoculation Training or SIT is aiming to change peoples behaviour and thinking and is a cognitive behavioural therapy being specifically developed to deal with stress. There are also three stages as in Hardiness. The first stage is Conceptualisation phase, in which a relation is established between client and the therapist and the client is educated about the impact and nature of stress. The client is trained to be able to identify the stressors and to learn how to breaks them down into chunks that can be tackled. The second phase is Skills acquisition. Here the person will develop skills in constructive thinking. First the skills are taught and practised in the clinic and after that they can be gradually rehearsed in real life. The skills can include positive thinking, relaxation, social skills, etc. The last phase Application and follow-through, in which clients are given opportunities to apply in real life the coping skills learned, some could be ask to even train others as well.(psychology AS, 2012/handout, 22.10.2012) The Hardiness Training and the Stress Inoculation Training are both psychological methods. The next method is physiological which consist in Drugs intake as a method of stress management. There are a lot various types of tranquiliser and anti-anxiety drugs. The most common are benzodiazepines or Bz shortened. These include Librium, Ativan and Valium. The effect of this drugs is to lower the level of serotonin activity in the brain. If the level of serotonin is too low, produce depression but if it is too high produce anxiety. In 1960 they were highly prescribed as a replacement for barbiturates. Another group of tranquiliser are beta-blockers. Their activity is that of reducing the activation of the sympathetic branch of the anatomic nervous system meaning the activity reduction of SAM axis. The drugs are fast effective but the problem is that they are highly addictive.(handout, 29.10.2012) Based on the evaluations of the methods, there can be found a lot of weaknesses and strengths in each and every one of them as well as similarities and differences between them. In Hardiness Training strengths are that is it working, it deals with the cause of stress not just the symptoms, are more effective to people. The weaknesses consists in focusing on middle-class business people, some people find control stressful-they dont like to be in control, people respond in different ways to Hardiness Training, some people doubt about the all three Cs being equally important in protection against stress and even though control is important the commitment and challenges have no effects. (hand out, 22.10.2012 / psychology AS, 2012) SIT works well in general and also works for acute and conic stress. The weaknesses of SIT consists in it being time consuming, requiring high motivation and in the fact that not all people need the same skills to cope with stress. (hand out, 22.10. 2012 / psychology AS, 2012) Drugs work in reducing anxiety also BZ are better than placebo effect, drugs are easy to use involving only the need to actually take the pill and for some forms of phobias are quite handy. Weaknesses are the fact that some drugs are highly addictive, produce strong withdrawal symptoms, patients develop tolerance to them quickly, effectiveness requires a higher dosage, they have a limit of recommended intakes of a maximum of four weeks, treats the symptoms not the actual cause of stress, does not sort out the problem and because of dependency of drugs some people become like vegetables. ( hand out, 29.10. 2012 / psychology AS, 2012) The similarities between these types are: all of the methods allows the person to be in a better frame of mind to deal with stress; both SIT and Hardiness Training involves motivation and they take place over weeks and treat the cause rather than the symptoms and both change the way people think and help people learn skills to deal with their stress. The differences between these types are: The effects of the drugs are relatively instant while the effects of SIT and HT require a longer period of time and greater effort until the results are seen; Drugs can be addictive and have short term solutions but other methods like HT may deal with the real issue; people can develop tolerance to drugs in comparison with the other methods that are more constant; drugs have side effects, the other methods dont; no withdrawal effect from stopping SIT and HT like there is with drugs; HT depends on the liking for control but drugs dont.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Role of Women in Religion :: Religion Religious Females Gender Essays

The Role of Women in Religion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The role of women in religious scripture dictates an inferior position in society. Beginning with the creation of Adam and then Eve, as his helpmate. Her purpose was that Adam would not be lonely. This origin provides the ground work for inequality of genders on the basis of religious scripture. The roles prescribed determined that women should be in a subordinate position to man. The female role and relationship with God is defined by the various books of the Old and New Testaments, the reported actions of Jesus Christ, and finally the Qur'an.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initially, Old Testament describes women as the corrupter of man. However, through interpreting the action of Jesus Christ, we see that he holds women in equal roles as men, to include mention of female apostles. The New Testament does not promote equality but does mention the acts of Jesus. Finally, the Qur'an places women in a subservient role allowing men to keep their under control, by any means. Interpretations of the Gods word under the disguise of organized religion are the product of the gender discrimination of the time and continue to paint women as lesser creatures in the eyes of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The books of the Old Testament, and variations, are recognized by the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Each paint women as the temptress responsible for the mistakes of men. Women were the cause of the first punishment given to mankind. Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge. For this act, inspired by woman, mankind was forever punished and expelled from paradise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many examples of woman’s negative influence in the Old Testament. In Genesis 19:30-36, Lot's two daughters made their father drunk with wine on two successive nights. Each daughter committed incest with her father, and became pregnant.8 This is illogical, if Lot was so drunk he probably could not have performed physically and it occurred over two separate nights. He could have been unwitting the first night but not the second. Again in Judges 16, Delilah seduced Sampson in order to find out the secret of his great strength. This ultimately led to Samson's death.8 1 Kings 11 describes how Solomon's many foreign wives and concubines convinced him to worship other gods and build Pagan temples. This led to his downfall.8 The moral to these stories seem to be that women are responsible for the mistakes and men are easily corruptible by women.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Abolish or Reform? :: essays research papers

Throughout the world, students are encouraged to attend high school and continue their education. However, many students find it worthless and become uninspired. They blame the faculty, school policies, and fellow students, when they should be blaming themselves. Unchallenging course work is most likely a sign that the student isn’t taking a hard enough course. During my high school experience, students had the opportunity to take college courses through our high school. This gave the more advanced students a chance to practice the same routine as â€Å"normal† students, but still challenge and educate themselves. Abolishing high school would not solve any problems in our educational system. There are many ways to improve upon our school system; however, we need to start at the beginning. In an essay by Harley Tong, high school is portrayed as â€Å"a waste of time and a struggle to remain interested in schoolwork.† He continues to describe his own experiences and how they led him to begin his college career two years earlier than most students. He complains of the way that he was physically and verbally abused by other students, which is the case in many high schools. High school is not only a cognitive learning environment; it is also a social learning environment. Students learn how to communicate with fellow pupils, teachers and administrators. They find out how to come independent from their parents and how to prepare for the rest of their lives. I believe that Harley Tong was simply too advanced for his surroundings. He most likely found the other students immature and didn’t fit in with them. In his case, he found a solution to attend a community college instead of his high school, which I commend him for. Many students in his situation would simp ly drop out, and that is not the answer. George F. Will’s â€Å"College President’s Plan: Abolish High School† conveys ideas that had never crossed my mind. He states, â€Å"For various reasons, some rooted in American history and others reflecting recent developments, education has become, for the moment, the most salient social concern and therefore the most potent political issue.† Will introduces Leon Botstein, who doesn’t actually option to abolish high school, just to change the structure of our schools in general. Botstein says that high school was created for 15- to 18-year-olds who were still children. In today’s society, those children are now young adults who are physiologically and psychologically more advanced.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Alfred Adler Personality Theories

Alfred Adler was a little baby boy born on the suburb of Vienna on February 7, 1870. He almost died of pneumonia when he is five years of age. At this age he decided to become a physician. (Ewen, Robert,p. 5) . Alfred was an intelligent, sociable and a very active boy. He was n average student of a University. He finished his medical degree in the University of Vienna in 1895.Alfred’s wife was Raissa Timofeyewuna Epstein, a social activist and a very intelligent woman and blessed with four children. (Ewen, Robert, p. 15) at first Alfred Adler become an ophthalmologist and soon changed it to  his general practice..He encountered clients like circus people. Because of these clients he realized that the strength and weaknesses of the performers made him develop into organ inferiorities and compensation. (Levine, Robert Alan,p. 10)He becomes a physician or a doctor in the Australian army. Because of this experience he comes up to a concept of social interest. This concept makes every human to realize that they must survive and change in their own ways. Contribution to the field of Psychology of Personality Alfred Adler’s motivating force is striving for the perfection. Adler believe that this is the desire of people have to fulfill their potential in order to come up their ideal.Agression drive which refers to the reaction of people have, as well as their drives. Compensation is another term used by Adler which means striving to overcome. In the masculine protest, Adler emphasized that the boys have a high esteem than girls. It means that men are better than women. Boy’s have the capacity to do all great things and women don’t have. Just because they do have the power, education, talent and motivation needed to do all the excellent work. And the last one is the striving for superiority.It is the desire to be better not for his own but to better than others. (Ewen, Robert, p. 22) Adler’s approach â€Å"individual psychology† was contributed to psychology. Adler developed a different personality types like the getting or leaning type, in this type people are anti-social and have a low activity levels. Next is the avoiding type, are people who hate to be rejected. People have a low social contact and afraid of rejection. In this type, people always aware to their actions and behavior. They are very careful on what actions or decisions should be made.Ruling dominant are people who are willing to manipulate situations and people. And the last one is the social useful type, people in this type are very sociable and active. Instead of discussing about a person’s personality Adler also talk about lifestyle. According to Alfred Adler, lifestyle refers to how you live your life, how to handle problems and interpersonal relations. It means that lifestyle of people help them realize their selves, how to handle their problems and how to communicate to other people. Application of Personality Theories to W ork Place Alfred Adler’s theory of personality is very useful because it can help people act properly.People always think positively so that they can perform better and resulting to an excellent performance. They can carry all the problems that they will be encounter and they can find a better solution for that. People will always aim high and give excellent effort to perform their jobs. Personality theories application is said to be a positive theory, make people a goal oriented, positive thinking, problem solver ,and help to make people an excellent one in terms of their work and in their life. Life style approach of Adler refers how to live life, how to handle problems and interpersonal relations. According to Alfred Adler â€Å"The style of life of a tree is the individuality of a tree expressing itself and molding itself in an environment.We recognize a style when we see it against a background of an environment different from what we expect, for then we realize that ev ery tree has a life pattern and is not merely a mechanical reaction to the environment. † Base on this approach we can conclude that every person’s behavior and personality usually based on their life pattern and their environment . Personality theory can help a lot to the work place because individual here has a good life pattern and environment.People are willing to achieve goals and always want to excel in their own specializations. Problems are disregarded and always find solutions for it Because of this positive personality of people ,they become very successful and fulfilled. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ewen, Rowen B. , 1998, An Introduction to Theories of Personality Mahwah, New Jersey.Ewen, Rowen B. , 2003, An Introduction to Theories of Personality Mahwah, New Jersey.Levine, Robert Alan, 1982, Culture, Behavior, and Personality New York.Schinka, John A. , 1997, Introduction to the Special Series-Personality Assessment Instruments.

Introduction/Conclusion on Drug Abuse

Robert Cain Cocaine, Marijuana, Meet, Crack Cocaine, Heroin, and Prescription Pills argon all illegal drugs. All of these types of drugs privy be found on both corner of America these days. It seems that a manage of Ameri do- nonhings are doing them. Many Ameri basiss are tempted by the excitement or possibly the tend these drugs seem to offer. Learning about the facts of these drugs nates help you see the potential encounter of chasing the excitement and escape. No one knows exactly why so some Americans are using drugs.Some do drugs as a expressive style to escape reality and few may use them just to habilitate in. sequence others use them to be ill-affected and get attention. Many people use drugs because they feel It will help them consider with whatever feelings they are get winding to mask. The dreary truth Is after using the drugs more of the users have a feeling of herb of grace and feel worse than they did to begin with. Drugs can bang up every aspect o f a persons life. That Is why It Is very Important to interpenetrate the word of how damaging drugs can be. In conclusion with drug use in America.No matter what type of drug you try you are that much closer to neat addicted to it. All it takes is one snip try it and like it. Drugs can ruin everything you have worked so hard for. dish out me spread the word on how not to become a drug user. alarm use drugs as a way to escape reality and some may use them Just to fit in. While they feel it will help them fence with whatever feelings they are trying to mask. The drab truth is after using the drugs many of the users have a feeling of herb of grace and feel is why it is very significant to spread the word of how damaging drugs can be.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poem ‘About His Person’ Essay

How does Armitage specify the numbers somewhat(predicate) his person particularly miserable to you. The poesy Ab out his Person is a song about a man who commits suicide. We are non effrontery exactly how or wherefore straightforwardly unless we are given the items he had on him when he did it. Its by the items we get to understand wherefore he did it. Armitage thrusts this metrical composition abject through doing that and to a fault victimisation other techniques. virtuoso elbow room in which Armitage makes the poem pitiful is by letting the reader peck together the story behind his possessions. This rotter be shown when it says No gold or silver only if crowning 1 flip. This suggests he was deep disjoint due to his ring on his finger not being there and because of that yard he could have massacreed himself. Another way in which Armitage makes the poem contemptible is by letting the items speak for themselves. This can be shown when it says Five pound fifty in change exactly, a subroutine library bug on its date of expiry.These run-in say exactly what they mean. He has just 5.50 to his name and an out of date library card. He has barely enough currency to live on, to buy the daily essentials similar food and water but not even enough to pay convey for an accommodation. This is wherefore it is particularly despicable as it shows us the conditions he was living in. Armitage similarly makes the poem moving by using random objects to make what happened seem unplanned. For representative it says But beheaded in his fist, a shopping listen. This makes the poem moving as it shows that he had only recently decided to kill himself that day as he had a shopping list in his generates which most probable would have been the shopping he expertness of done that very day he killed himself. By including this he makes the poem moving as it makes us think what sad event must have happened to him in that very same day for him to kil l himself. The use of a short broody execration at the end of the poem also helps to contribute to making this poem moving.For instance it says in the poem That was everything. This helps to make it moving as this short sentence indicates that his life is now over, just bid that. It makes us feel sorry for him as it just happened quickly and that everything he had, had basically disappeared. This is wherefore is makes it moving. Armitage also uses 2 parenthood stanzas which are short and knifelike to make the poem moving. This can be shown when it says A final demand, in his own hand. This is moving because the sentences are short and sharp so that it sticks in the readers mind about what is happening, and creates food for their thoughts. They have to figure out what is happening in each stanza.It also has a great detail of brokenheartedness in each stanza about why he did it, which also helps to make the poem moving. Another way Armitage makes the poem moving is by using rh ymes and half rhymes. This is bare in the poem when it says A post card stamped, unwritten but franked. This makes the poem moving because he received a postal card that he had received from someone but blank. Which shows that someone had not made up their mind about what to say to him but he could of recognised the writing on the address and knew who it was from like a traffic card, which could of drove him to his suicide. By including this it makes the poem moving, as it makes us feel sad. Overall this poem is very moving as it is explaining why this man killed himself, through the items he had on him. This was done by many ways, through rhymes and the way it was written, and is very moving.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.